Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 92 神話故事系列 Mystical Themes Ⓐ 88503-00 Ⓑ 88504-00 塞爾特與籃紋系列 Celtic &Weaves Ⓐ 8537-00 Ⓑ 85490-00 Ⓒ 88565-00 Ⓓ 88423-00 Ⓒ 88491-00 Ⓓ 8538-00 Stamp Accessories 輔助工具 三件式多功能手工具架 Deluxe Wooden Hand Tool Rack 頤坊精心設計的三件式多功能手工具架,內含2個槌 孔、17個手工具插槽、皮刀插槽、收納盒、抽屜,和頤坊 暢銷的多孔工具架,方便收藏至121支印花工具。可有 效的運用空間,並美化工作區域。 This is the ultimate tool rack for any leather workshop, features two holes for mauls or mallets, 17 slots for various hand tools, a small box with drawer to keep shears, rotary punches and needles. An end-to-end slim slot for head knives. Also includes our bestselling wooden tool rack with 121 storage holes. Fully assembled. 32401-10 3 Pieces 多孔工具架 Large Wooden Tool Rack 容量全新升級的木製工具架,共含121個收納孔,包含 8個旋轉刀放置區與8個縫針孔。貼心的斜面設計,視 線不受阻礙,前方的凹槽設計可擺放常用工具,節省尋 找工具的時間。 Our bestselling wooden tool rack with upgraded capacity, featuring 121 storage holes, holds up to 8 swivel knives and capable of storing large amount of stamps, needles and blades and more. The angled de- sign makes it easy to see all of your tools at a glance. 32401-01 四腳壓花座 Heavy Duty Ram Foot 用來連接9mm接頭壓花棒的壓花座,增加施壓面積, 可輕鬆壓印出立體又清晰的圖案或搭配壓花機使用。 Use with imprinting machine or 3 / 8 " Spring-loaded stampe handle to spread the pressure for cleaner, sharper impressions. Fits ¾", 1" alphabets and 3-D stamps. 8198-00 壓克力工具架 Acrylic Tool Rack 這款現代、多功能壓克力工具架,提供99個不同大小 的收藏孔,容量大。特殊的斜角設計,一目了然,節省 尋找工具的時間。前方的凹槽,可收納常用的塑型筆, 方便拿取。 This modern tool rack is made from durable acrylic that will provide years of use. Sits at a slight angle making it easier to see all your tools. Offers 99 assorted sized holes. Has a groove on the front edge to keep marking pens and modeling tools in easy reach. Minor assembly required. 8124-01 塑膠工具架 Plastic Tool Rack 專為皮雕創作者設計的小型工具架,體積小、重量輕攜 帶方便,共37孔可收納36支印花工具和1支旋轉刀。 Heavy-duty plastic tool rack. Holds 36 stamping tools and a swivel knife. Lightweight, travels well. 8123-00 4.5mm 接頭壓花棒 ³/ 16 " Stamp Handle 小型接頭壓花棒,適用於4900系列字母、數字組及 81XX系列的 6.5mm尺寸字母、數字與圖案組。 Small stamp handle, for use with 4900 series alphabet and number stamps, as well as 81XX series ¼" alphabet, number and pattern stamps. 4905-00 9mm 接頭壓花棒 ⅜" Spring-Loaded Stamp Handle 中型接頭壓花棒,適用於81XX系列13mm、20mm、 25mm尺寸字母、數字、圖案及立體印花工具。可搭 配四腳壓花座使用,增加施壓面積、讓施力更平均。 Medium size spring-loaded stamp handle for use with 81XX series ½", ¾", 1" alphabet, number and pattern stamps, as well as 2D and 3D stamps. Additional ram foot attachment can be added to increases stamping surface and spread impact more evenly. 8200-01 22mm 接頭壓花棒 ⅞" Heavy Handle 加大的施壓面積與一體成型的握柄,無需搭配其他 工具即可有最佳的均衡施力效果。大型壓花棒適用於 81XX系列的 20mm、25mm尺寸字母、數字、圖案及立 體印花工具。 Increased weight and stamping surface spreads im- pact over stamp for more even impression without the use of additional attachment. For use with 81XX series ¾", 1" alphabet, number and pattern stamps, as well as 2D and 3D stamps. 8197-00 Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓒ Ⓒ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓓ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓔ Ⓔ 8535-00 Ⓔ 8361-00