Leathercraft Catalog

握緊壓花棒 , 用木槌或皮槌 , 垂 直向下敲打。 Place stamp in desire location and punch straight down using a rawhide mallet. 為字母、數字、圖案及立體印花工具而設計的專屬握柄、敲打時平衡施力,能將印花工具上的圖案清晰的印出。共三種尺寸規格,擇一即 可。 Stamp handles are designed exclusively for alphabet, number, pattern, 2D & 3D stamps to help spread impact over stamp for more even impressions on leather. We carry 3 style stamp handles that work for different stamps. Find the right tool for you and start your stamp collection today! 壓花棒實用技巧 STAMP HANDLES 使用說明 INSTRUCTION 22mm 接頭壓花棒 7/8”Hefty Handle 加大的施壓面積與一體成型的握柄, 無需 搭配其他工具即可有最佳的均衡施力效果。 大型壓花棒適用於 81XX 系列的 20mm、 25mm 尺寸字母、數字、圖案及立體印花工 具。 Increased weight and stamping surface spreads impact over stamp for more even impression without the use of additional attachment. For use with 81XX series ¾", 1" alphabet, number and pattern stamps, as well as 2D and 3D stamps. 4.5mm 接頭壓花棒 3/16”Stamp Handle STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 9mm 接頭壓花棒 3/8”Spring-Loaded Stamp Handle 小型接頭壓花棒, 適用於 4900 系列字母、 數字組及 81XX 系列 的 6.5mm 尺寸字母、 數字與圖案組。 Small stamp handle, for use with 4900 series alphabet and number stamps, as well as 81XX series ¼" alphabet, number and pattern stamps. 中 型 接 頭 壓 花 棒,適 用 於 81XX 系 列 13mm、20mm、25mm 尺寸字母、數字、 圖案及立體印花工具。可搭配四腳壓花座 使用,增加施壓面積、讓施力更平均。 Me dium s i ze s p r ing - l o a d e d s t amp handle for use with 81XX series ½", ¾", 1" alphabet, number and pattern stamps, as well as 2D and 3D stamps. Additional ram foot attachment can be added to increases stamping surface and spread impact more evenly. 選擇喜歡的立體印花工具和壓 花棒。 Select your 2D or 3D stamp and match it with the preferred handle. 將壓花棒與立體工具組合起來。 Assemble stamp to the tip of the stamp handle. 用海棉沾取適量的水,沾濕預計 使用處、準備壓印。 In the desired location, damp leather with a sponge.