Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 82 造型印花工具組 Fun Pattern Stamp Sets 爲製 作主題性圖案而設計的造型印花工具套組,每種套組包含3-4個尺寸或圖樣, 方便使用於不同大小的版面或組合出多樣化的圖案。 Designed for making different theme patterns, each set includes3-4 size or designed stamps, easy to use on any sized surface. Ⓐ 69037-00 大麻葉 Hemp Pattern Ⓑ 69036-00 部落造型 Tribal Pattern Ⓒ 69035-00 齒輪造型 Steampunk Gear Pattern Ⓓ 69034-00 渦卷造型 Scroll Pattern 幾何圖形印花工具組 Geometric Stamp Sets 多種幾何圖形款式,單獨、連續壓印或混合圖形使用,都可快速又簡單的製作出 美麗圖樣。 Designed for making geometric patterns on a large area, each set includes 3 size stamps, easy and flexible to use on any sized surface. Ⓐ 69008-00 菱型點 Diamond Dot Ⓑ 69009-00 菱型星 Diamond Star Ⓒ 69011-00 菱型線 Diamond Line Ⓓ 69010-00 曲線圖案 Meander Ⓔ 69006-00 鐵刺星 Barbed Wire Star Ⓕ 69007-00 弧型圖案 Curve Ⓖ 69014-00 幾何圖案 Geometric Ⓐ Ⓒ Ⓑ Ⓓ Ⓐ Ⓖ Ⓒ Ⓔ Ⓑ Ⓓ Ⓕ 3307-10 生皮槌 Rawhide Mallet 生牛皮製成、內部加鉛的皮槌,具有良好的吸震力,可 保護工具免於變形。適合敲打印花工具、立體工具等。 Leaded mallet made with rawhide, has excellent shock absorption can protect tools during use. Perfect for use with stamps, 2D and 3D stamps. 32228-01 大理石 Marble Slab 槌子在敲打大理石板時不會彈跳晃動,能讓印花、立體 工具能準確的敲印在皮片上,留下深刻的印記。 Most work surfaces have enough bounce and wobble to cause imperfect imprint. Marble slab does not, so the stamp will be printed exactly where it needs to go. 2089-00 噴霧罐 Fine Mist Pump Sprayer 環保噴霧罐,特殊的觸發器透過接頭將液體均勻的轉換 成霧狀,使用簡便、快速,且不會產生水滴。適用於清 水、染料與固色劑,可重覆使用。 This eco-friendly, propellant free, airless sprayer puts out an aerosol quality spray, works great with dyes and finishes. 搭配商品 // You May Also Need