Leathercraft Catalog

對位網格實用技巧 STAMPING GRIDS 印花是最容易、最快速的方式製作美觀又耐用的皮件裝飾。不需繁複的雕刻工序,就可以呈現出多層次、多元化的圖樣。如何讓每次敲打的 圖案都能工整的對齊、呈現出無接縫的圖案其實並不困難!「對位網格描圖版」是專為印花工具而設計,三種框格尺寸,適合不同大小的印 花工具。能協助工具對位、讓重複性的壓印動作可以更精準、快速的完成。 Stamping on leather is the easiest and fastest way to create beautiful and durable leather items without fancy carving. But aligning the stamps accurately every time can be a challenge. "Stamping Grids" are designed specifically for this purpose, they help to align patterns & maintain punch accuracy. They are the effective aid for stamping multiple patterns. 依照轉印線對位,用印花工具敲 打。 Us e t h e t r an s fe r re d lin e s as guide and use stamps to decorate the area. 使用說明 INSTRUCTION 所需工具 REQUIRED TOOLS 海棉 Sponge 描筆 Ballpoint Stylus 植鞣革 Leather 印花工具 Stamping Tools 對位網格 Stamping Grid 塑型筆 Modeling Tool STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 選擇適合印花工具尺寸的對位 網格。 Select the right size stamping grid for your stamping tools. 用海棉沾取適量的水在革面上, 在預計使用處,用描筆輕輕劃出 一條對位線,再將對位網格放在 微濕的革面上與對位線對齊。 Damp leather with a sponge a n d d r a w a g u i d e l i n e i n the desired location with a ballpoint stylus. Then align the stamping grid to the guideline. 用塑型筆描過所有的線條,將網 格轉印到皮面上。確認是否有遺 漏線條或不清晰處。 Use modeling tool or smooth instrument and rub over entire area. Check to see if any lines are omitted or not legible.