Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 78 漸層印花工具 Camouflage Stamps 漸層的放射狀紋路,用於製作花邊、葉片、花梗紋理與捲邊效果。 Great for making interesting borders, decorate smooth parts of a design and add roundness to leaves, stems or scrolls. C770 6770-00 C428 6428-00 C425 6425-00 C709 6709-00 C431 6431-00 C834 6834-00 C366 6366-00 C433 6433-00 C831 6831-00 C426 6426-00 寫生背景印花工具 Figure Carving Stamps 專為描繪動物、植物和景觀而設計,也適用於製作 邊框效果。 Designed to create leather carvings that depict animals, foliage and landscape. F872 6872-00 F915 6915-00 F926 6926-00 F926-D 66926-02 F925 6925-00 F934 6934-00 F917 6917-00 F933 6933-00 F120 6120-00 F916 6916-00 F918 6918-00 F902 6902-00 F927 6927-00 F993 6993-00 F989 6989-00 F912L 6912-01 F912R 6912-02 F890 6890-00 F891 6891-00 F895 6895-00 F896 6896-00 F976 6976-00 F910 6910-00 F941 6941-00 F898 6898-00 F899 6899-00 F900 6900-00 F901 6901-00 收尾印花工具 Stop Stamps 主要用於旋轉刀切割線,或花瓣、葉子根部雕刻的收尾, 使圖案的呈現更加立體,也適用製作特殊效果。 Commonly used in combination with Mulefoot Stamps in floral carving to enhance the flow of the design as well as creating feathers on bird carvings. H907 6907-00 H908 6908-00 花蕊印花工具 Flower Center Stamps 擬真的花蕊圖案,可搭配葉片印花工具使用,製作 出美麗的花束。 Designed to look like stigma, great for floral carving. Use them in combination with leaf stamps to create beautiful bouquets. J615 6615-00 J820 6820-00 光芒印花工具 Sunburst Stamps 放射狀線條與扇子造型,可製作花邊、葉片、花梗紋 理或捲邊效果。 Great for making interesting borders and add roundness to leaves, stems or scrolls. N309 6309-00 N720 6720-00 造型花卉印花工具 Fun Floral Stamps 適合用來製作花卉造型邊框或裝飾圖案。 These stamps are excellent for creating decorative floral frame, border or repeats. E318 66318-00 E385 66385-00 音符印花工具 Musical Note Stamps 主題性印花工具,適合親子活動、童玩,適用於有趣 又具主題性的裝飾。 Great for parent-child activities, children can complete any fun projects with these simple to use witty stamps. E568 66568-00 E571 66571-00 H903 6903-00 H904 6904-00 J816 6816-00 J520 6520-00 N300 6300-00 K133 68133-00 K134 68134-00 E572 66572-00 E574 66574-00 C453 6453-00 C454 6454-00 C455 6455-00 F872 C770 C433 H907 E568 E318 J615 N309 F933 F989 F976 F915 C428 C831 H908 E571 E385 J820 N720 F120 F912L F910 F926 C425 C426 H903 E572 K133 J816 N300 F916 F912R F941 F926-D C709 C453 H904 E574 K134 J520 F918 F890 F898 F925 C431 C454 F902 F891 F899 F934 C834 C455 F927 F895 F900 F917 C366 F993 F896 F901