Leathercraft Catalog

唐草紋樣與基礎印花工具組 LEATHER CARVING AND BASIC STAMP TOOL SET 基礎印花工具組 Basic stamp tool set 4. B197光面打邊 B197 Background stamping 8. U710結尾裝飾 U710 Veiner stamping 2. 旋轉刀雕刻線條 Standard swivel knife carves lines 6. C431花、葉裝飾 C431 Camouflage stamping decorate flower & leaves 10. A104底紋工具/背景 A104 Background stamping 1. 描筆描圖 Stylus transfers pattern 5. B702格紋打邊 B702 Background stamping 9. S705花蕊 S705 Seeder stamping 3. P206陰影 P206 Shading 7. V407葉脈裝飾 V407 Veiner stamping 11. 旋轉刀雕刻裝飾線 Standard swivel knife, final decorative lines 基礎印花工具組,是眾多印花工具中,精心挑選組合的最佳皮雕入門工具套組。以下藉由最受玩家喜愛的唐草紋樣雕刻步驟,介紹每支工 具的使用方式及呈現效果,讓您在使用基礎印花工具組時更加得心應手! Carefully selected “Basic Stamp Tool Set” is the best choice for any leather carving beginners. Here is a quick break down and how-to on creating a simple Sheridan style carving using this handy set.