Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 72 不鏽鋼尺 Cork Back Non-Skid Ruler 軟木片貼背的不鏽鋼尺,防滑、防刮,含公分和英吋 兩種標示。 Made from durable stainless steel with etched standard and metric measurements. This ruler has a non-skid cork backing that protects surfaces from scratch. 3606-00 30cm (12") 大理石 Marble Slab 槌子在敲打大理石板時不會彈跳晃動,能讓印花、立 體工具能準確的敲印在皮片上,留下深刻的印記。也 適合雕刻時做為工作檯面使用。 Most work surfaces have enough bounce and wobble to cause imperfect imprint. Marble slab doesn't, so the stamp will be printed exactly where it needs to go. It’s also the perfect work surface for tooling leather. 32228-01 30 X 30 X 4cm (12" X 12" X 1½ " ) 白膠板 Poly Cutting Boards 白膠板是斬、打洞器、皮刀等工具的最佳輔助工具, 不但能保護桌面,並可減低工具在使用上的磨損, 共2種尺寸。 High quality, impact absorbing cutting boards. Use them with your chisels, hole punches or leather knives to protect your work bench and tools for damages .Available in 2 sizes. Ⓐ 3464-01 小 Small 15 X 15 X 1.2cm (6" X 6" X ½") Ⓑ 3464-00 大 Large 30 X 30 X 1.2cm (12" X 12" X ½") 黑膠板 Black Cutting/ Tooling Board 用於保護工作桌面和工具的保護墊,可延長工具壽 命與保護桌面的美觀,是斬、打洞器、皮刀等工具的 最佳輔助工具,共3種尺寸。 High quality, impact absorbing cutting and tooling boards. Use them with your chisels, hole punches or leather knives to protect your work bench and tools for damages .Available in 3 sizes. Ⓐ 33464-01 小 Small 15 X 15 X 2cm (6" X 6" X ¾") Ⓑ 33464-02 中 Medium 15 X 30 X 2cm (6" X 12" X ¾") Ⓒ 33464-03 大 Large 30 X 30 X 2cm (12" X 12" X ¾") 角尺 Steel Square 可快速準確的測量直角,適合設計構圖上使用。 Measure right angles quickly and accurately. Ideal for laying out patterns. 3608-00 30 X 20cm (12" X 8") 切割尺 Grid Ruler 透明的切刻尺,方便對齊、切割與製圖,鑲嵌不鏽鋼 條的獨特設計,可防止在裁切時對邊緣造成的損壞、 延長使用壽命。 The see-through design helps to line up alphabet stamps or stitching lines easily. The unique inlayed metal edge strip prevents damaging the edge during use. 3605-00 30cm (12") 白牛骨 & 黑牛角骨片 Bone & Horn Creasers 純牛骨、牛角製成的多功能骨片,可壓平折線、摺疊皮革、塑型、拋光、磨邊等等,輕便實用。共4種規格。圖片僅供 參考,產品以實際出貨為主。 These bone and horn creasers can make a big difference when assembling your leather projects. They can smooth, crease, form, adhering cemented leathers and burnishing edges. Don’t over look this handy tool! Available in 4 styles, made from natural bone and horn, image may differ from actual shipments. Ⓐ 8117-01 白牛骨片,尖頭 Bone, Pointed Head 200 X 22mm (7 7 / 8 " X 7 / 8 ") Ⓑ 8117-02 白牛骨片,圓頭 Bone, Round Head 200 X 22mm (7 7 / 8 " X 7 / 8 ") 磨緣器 Edge Slickers 單槽與雙槽磨緣器,適用於磨緣、拋光皮革。搭配黃 耆膠使用,效果更佳。可安裝於家用電鑽上,加快拋 光工序。 These wooden and nylon slickers are amazing for burnishing and polishing leather edges. They work great for belts and lighter weight leather. Use by hand or adapt to an electric drill for faster results. Ⓐ 8121-01 木製單槽磨緣器 Single Groove Wooden Edge Slicker Ⓑ 8121-02 木製雙槽磨緣器 Double Groove Wooden Edge Slicker Ⓒ 8122-00 尼龍單槽磨緣器 Single Groove Nylon Edge Slicker Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓒ Ⓑ Ⓓ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓒ Ⓒ 8118-01 黑牛角片,尖頭 Horn, Pointed Head 140 X 30mm (5½" X 1 3 / 16 ") Ⓓ 8118-02 黑牛角片,圓頭 Horn, Round Head 145 X 21mm (5¾" X 7 / 8 ")