Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 70 一把好的工具槌,握感合宜,重量平衡 的恰到好處,使用起來毫不費力。我們 提供完整的皮槌、膠槌與不鏽鋼槌系 列,讓您可以更容易的找到專屬於自 己的槌子。 Every leather craftsmen has his/her favorite mallet, the one that provides appropriate grip, balanced weight, delivers effortless punch and excellent results. We carry every mallet and maul imaginable to make it easy to find the perfect one for you. 皮柄膠槌 Pro Poly Mauls 鋼材骨架與皮革堆疊的握柄,擁有極佳的握感,能 同時緩衝打擊、降低長時間使用所造成的疲勞感。 高品質膠頭,經久耐用。共三種款式,適合不同習慣 的使用者。 Steel construction with stacked leather handle. These mauls provide excellent grip while cushioning the blows. High quality poly heads can stand up to years of use. Three style heads available. Ⓐ 35061-01 平頭 Flat Head 16 oz. (1 lb) Ⓑ 35062-01 圓頭 Round Head 32 oz. (2 lb) Ⓒ 35062-02 斜面 Tapered Head 32 oz. (2 lb) 不鏽鋼工匠槌 Pro Leathercraft Hammer 專為製作皮鞋、箱包和馬鞍而設計,適合敲平縫線、 摺疊皮革等精細的組裝工序。拋光的槌面可防止製 作中擦傷皮革。人體工學設計的橡膠握柄,使用上更 舒適。不適用於印花工具、斬或打洞器。 Designed for shoes, luggage and saddle industries. This hammer is great for fold and crease leather during assembly. Rubber handle provides extra comfort. Not for use with stamps or punches. 3307-00 生皮槌 Rawhide Mallets 生皮製成,吸震力好、降音度佳的皮槌,可保護工具 免於變形,共有2種規格。 This mallet is made with water buffalo rawhide with a contoured wooden handle. It’s an indispensible leathercraft tool. Ⓐ 3300-03 中 Medium 9 oz. (½ lb) Ⓑ 3300-04 大 Large 11 oz. (¹¹ / 16 lb) 黃色膠槌 Wooden Handle Poly Mallets 選用汽車防撞桿相同的膠材,吸震性佳,可減少在敲 擊工具時的磨損。青崗岭木握柄,質地堅硬,握感舒 適。共2種規格。 Automotive grade poly, these mallets have good shock absorption, can reduce wear and tear during use. Features a comfortable wooden handle. Ⓐ 3301-03 中 Medium 9 oz. (½ lb) Ⓑ 3301-04 大 Large 11 oz. (¹¹ / 16 lb) 鋼材木柄膠槌 Steel Poly Mauls 打洞與皮雕專用鋼材骨架膠槌,共三種重量,適合不 同習慣的使用者。 Steel base, contoured wood handle and durable poly head will stand up to years of use. We recommend this maul for use with any of our punches. Ⓐ 3303-11 小 Small 16 oz. (1 lb) Ⓑ 3303-12 中 Medium 32 oz. (2 lb) Ⓒ 3303-13 大 Large 48 oz. (3 lb) 白色尼龍槌 Poly Maul 全新設計的白色尼龍槌,斜面的槌頭設計與不鏽鋼 骨架,可有效降低敲擊時的回彈力與疲勞感,防滑握 柄使敲擊工作更為精準,適合印花工具使用。 This weighted poly maul provides excellent grip while reducing bounce. Tapered head design making it easy to strike with precision. Ideal for use with stamps. 3302-00 16 oz. (1 lb) 生皮槌 Rawhide Mallet 生牛皮製成、內部加鉛的皮槌,具有良好的吸震力, 可保護工具免於變形。適合敲打印花工具、立體工 具等。 Leaded mallet made with rawhide, has excellent shock-absorption can protect tools during use. Perfect for use with stamps, 2D and 3D stamps. 3307-10 20 oz. (1¼ lb) 木槌 Wooden Mallets 橡膠木材,經濟實惠,適合初學者與兒童使用,共2 種規格。 Rubber wood mallets, lightweight but durable. Great buy for budget buyer and kids. Ⓐ 3448-01 小(兒童專用) Small (For Kids) Ⓑ 3446-00 大 Large Mallets & Mauls 槌子 Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓒ