Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 68 斜角美工刀 Angled Utility Knife 多功能美工刀,適用於多種厚度的皮革。特殊的斜角 設計,裁切中視線不會受影響。需搭配膠板或切割墊 使用,含刀片1片。 All-purpose utility knife for cutting even the thickest leather. Specially designed angle head let you see clearly what you are cutting. For use with cutting board. Comes with one blade. 3595-00 斜角美工刀 Angled Utility Knife 3061-00 替換刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Blades 專業型美工刀 Professional Uiltity Knife 內建安全鎖頭,防止切割時刀片的滑動。加大的收納 槽,可一次收納6片刀片。當刀片用完時,只需將推頭 拉至軌道尾端,即可自動替換刀片,方便又快速。厚 實舒適的握柄設計,是革命性的新型美工刀,需搭配 膠板或切割墊使用。內含6支刀片。 Built in safety lock prevents blade from moving during use. Extra storage holds up to 6 blades and the automatic reload feature makes it easy to change blades. Ergonomically designed handle provides plenty of comfort. For use with cutting board. Comes with 6 replacement blades. 3552-00 專業型旋轉裁刀 Easy Grip Rotary Cutter 旋轉式裁刀,適合切割皮革、布料、紙張等材質。人 體工學設計的握柄,使用上更舒適。單指操作的安 全開關,收納方便。需搭配膠板或切割墊使用,含刀 片1片。 Features ergonomically designed handle with soft cushion. Great for cutting leather, fabric, pattern and more. Its blade safety guard and convenient hand lock makes it easy to use. For use with cutting board or cutting mat. 3042-00 專業型旋轉裁刀 Easy Grip Rotary Cutter 3043-00 替換刀片單片裝 1 Replacement Blade 可斷式美工刀 Snap-Off Blade Cutter 適用於切割紙型、皮革等材質,寬式握把,容易平均 施壓、不易滑手,需搭配膠板或切割墊使用。含刀 片1片。 For cutting paper pattern, leather and more. Wide grip makes it easy to apply even downward pressure. For use with cutting board. 3550-00 可斷式美工刀 Snap-Off Blade Cutter 3551-00 替換刀片 10片裝 10 Piece Replacement Blades 輕巧型旋轉裁皮刀 Compact Rotary Cutter 輕巧型旋轉裁皮刀,塑柄握把,內建刀刃安全開關。 需搭配膠板或切割墊使用,含刀片1片。 Compact rotary leather cutter features lightweight plastic handle and built-in safety lock. For use with cutting board or cutting mat. 3040-00 輕巧型旋轉裁刀 Compact Rotary Cutter 3041-00 替換刀片單片裝 1 Piece Replacement Blade 基礎型木製裁條器 Strap Cutter 木製握柄式裁條器,可裁切寬至10cm的皮條,易於使用,一人即可搞定。安全設 計,刀片不易滑出或掉落,是製作皮帶、手把、背帶的好幫手。含刀片3片。 Professionally designed strap cutter for cutting strips up to 4" wide. Two cross bars firmly hold any weight leather for perfect cuts every time. Includes 3 blades. 3080-00 基礎型木製裁條器 Strap Cutter 3081-01 替換刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Blades 人體工學筆刀 Ergo Craft Knife 精細製作、加工與裁切的最佳工具,人體工學設計的 握柄,舒適度佳,適合長時間的細部處理工作,需搭 配膠板或切割墊使用。含刀片1片。 This knife is designed for detail and intricate leather work. Ergonomically designed to provide slip resistance and maximum comfort. This is the best tool for prolonged detailed work. For use with cutting board. Comes with one blade. 3029-00 人體工學筆刀 Ergo Craft Knife 3029-01 替換刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Blades 筆刀 Precision Craft Knife 精密、銳利的鋼材刀片,可輕易的在不同厚度的皮革 上切割。適合細部製作上使用,需搭配膠板或切割墊 使用。含刀片1片。 This precision craft knife makes deep and clean cuts on different weight leathers. Comes with one sharp steel blade. For use with cutting board. 3031-00 筆刀 Precision Craft Knife 3033-00 替換刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Blades 立體微雕刀 Surgical Scalpels 鋒利細小的刀刃,是細部雕刻、鏤空、裁切、製作毛髮 效果等等精細工作的最佳輔助工具,共2種款式刀 刃。需搭配膠板或切割墊使用。 Great for general cutting and skiving when precision is needed. Available in 2 styles: round or angled blade. For use with cutting board. Ⓐ 3036-00 斜刀 Angled Blade Scalpel 3036-01 斜刀刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Angled Blades Ⓑ 3037-00 圓刀 Round Blade Scalpel 3037-01 圓刀刀片 5片裝 5 Piece Replacement Round Blades 豪華型裁條器 Draw Gauge 金屬材質裁條器,專為裁切皮帶而設計,內建尺標,可準確切割寬至10cm的皮條, 人體工學設計的握柄,適合長時間使用。 Professional strap cutter for cutting strips up to 4" wide. Features ergonomically designed aluminum handle and measurement gauge. 3084-00 豪華型裁條器 Draw Gauge 3085-02 美製替換刀片單片裝 1 Piece U.S.A Made Blade Ⓑ Ⓐ