Leathercraft Catalog

熱門刀具 POPULAR CUTTING KNIVES 選擇一把優良的刀,徹底掌握它的使用技巧,切割、削薄、定期保養,讓創作上更事半功倍。頤坊暢銷的四款刀具,為您提供不同的使用體 驗,適合不同習慣的皮藝家。 Every leather craftsman has a favorite knife that they use for much of their cutting and skiving. Choosing a quality knife that can keep in good working order will make any job easier. Here are four of our bestselling cutting knives offering you different user experience. 專業型旋轉裁刀 Easy Grip Rotary Cutter 大馬士革鋼圓皮刀 Damascus Round Leather Knives 專業型美工刀 Professional Utility Knife 不鏽鋼日式皮刀 Stainless Steel Japanese Style Leather Skiving Knife 旋轉式裁刀,適合切割皮革、布料、紙張等材質。人體工學設計的握柄, 使用上更舒適。單指操作的安全開關,收納方便。 This rotary cutter features ergonomically designed handle with soft cushion. Great for cutting leather, fabric, pattern and more. Its blade safety guard and convenient hand lock makes it easy to use. 最古老也是功能最齊全的皮刀,是全球皮藝達人與馬鞍製造商愛用的 刀具之一。一刀三用,可推切直線、曲線,滾切流蘇和削薄皮革。使用高 硬度大馬士革鋼材,品質良好、堅固耐用。 One of the oldest and most versatile knives used by saddle makers and leather crafters worldwide. Push cut straight and curved lines, roll cut tassel, as well as skiving leather. Made from high carbon stainless steel, this Damascus round leather knife cuts leather like butter. 內建安全鎖頭,防止切割時刀片的滑動。加大的收納槽,可一次收納 6 片刀片。當刀片用完時,只需將推頭拉至軌道尾端,即可自動替換刀片, 方便又快速。厚實舒適的握柄設計,是革命性的新型美工刀。內含 6 支 刀片。 Built in safety lock, prevents blade from moving during use. Increase storage capacity, can hold up to 6 blades at the time, and the automatic reload feature makes it easy to change blades. This top-of-the-line utility knife is as functional as it is beautiful, the ergonomically designed handle provides plenty of comfort. Comes with 6 replacement blades. 日式皮刀可以切割比圓刀更加細膩、複雜的圖案。拉刀切割的方式,可 以容易的按照圖案切割。增加刀刃與切割墊的相對角度,可以輕鬆的切 割狹小的弧度 ; 而降低刀刃與切割墊的相對角度,讓切割直線更加容 易。 Japanese style skiving knife can cut patterns in leather more intricately than a round knife can, you can see your pattern and follow it much easier than pushing the knife. By adjusting the angle of the blade in relative to the cutting mat, this knife pull cuts beautifully through sharp turns (increased angle) and straight line (decreased angle).