Leathercraft Catalog
國際實力 INTERNATIONAL CAPABILITY 自 1980 年創立,頤坊研發生產的皮革手工具、五金、飾片與帶扣等,多達 10 萬多種產品,行銷全球 80 多個國家。榮獲「亞太區皮革 (MM&T) APLF 最佳皮革工藝發展獎」的殊榮,是全球最大、產品 線最完善的皮藝工具與材料供應商。 Founded in 1980, Ivan designed and produced hand tools, hardware, belts and conchos are trusted by leather crafters across the globe. Carrying over 100,000 items and counting, Ivan is one of the world’s largest leathercraft suppliers. 躍進與創新 INNOVATION 頤坊具備強大的研發與生產能力,能針對不同需求開發不同功能的工具與配件。擁有多項人體工 學的手工具設計、著作權與設計專利,提供消費者結合舒適性與功能性的產品。 Ivan’s commitment to the development of leathercraft tools and supplies have been recognized internationally, holding hundreds of copyrights and patents, our strong R&D capabilities allow us to continue to develop products that meet market demands. 環保態度 ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACH 頤坊的環保態度,落實在材料的運用與製程的改良。2011 年起,頤坊為符合各項歐、美環保標準, 進行研發與改良。帶扣、飾片逐步採用無鉛材質,針對需要電鍍處理的新產品一律使用環保無鎳電 鍍,讓您在良好的使用體驗之餘,也為我們的環境盡一份心力。 We are committed to the sustainability of our environment by ever improving the use of materials and our manufacturing processes. Since 2011, we began the process of switching our buckle and concho production to use lead-free raw materials, and for new items that require plating, we only use environmentally responsible plating processes. 技術傳承 HERITAGE & PRESERVATION 為保存台灣皮革工藝珍貴資產,頤坊於台北、台中、高雄、與香港門市創設皮藝教室,融合參觀、教 學與推廣。皮藝教室活動內容充實豐富、生動活潑,具寓教娛樂意義。 To do our part in preserving the leathercraft heritage in Taiwan, we set up workshops in every retail store to educate enthusiasts and further promote the art of leathercraft. Our workshops deliver content rich experiences in a lively and fun environment.
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