Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 62 Hole Punches 打洞器 打洞器是頤坊提供的眾多工具裡,用 途最廣泛的手工具類別。無論您需要 組合裝飾釘、四合扣、撞釘、雞眼、鎖 釘,製作裝飾性的鏤空或打縫線洞孔, 各式與多樣功能的打洞器,不但經久耐 用,更適合不同性質的工序和預算。 One of the most versatile hand tool category we offer. Whether you are assembling rivets, making decorative perforations or punching stitching holes; wide range of multi-purpose and specialized tools will meet every budget and last years of service. 鍛造旋轉打洞器 Pro Rotary Punch 手工鍛造替換式旋轉打洞器,更經久耐用。含6種可 替換的沖頭: 2.3mm/3.1mm/3.5mm/ 4mm/ 4.4mm/4.8mm。 Hand forged, solid steel, known for durability and performance. The only rotary punch you will ever need. Punch includes 6 replaceable tubes: 3 / 32 ", ¹ / 8 ", 9 / 64 ", 5 / 32 ", ¹¹ / 64 ", 3 / 16 "). 3230-00 旋轉打洞器 Rotary Punches 旋轉打洞器,打孔安靜省力又方便。固定式打洞器,適合預算買家; 替換式打洞器,沖頭可替換,防滑握柄設計, 在使用上更舒適。 The ideal choice to punch holes with one simple tool. Economy punch is our best seller for the budget minded. Deluxe punch is crafted from fine steel, with non-slip plastic handle covers, adjustable locking wheel and replaceable tubes. Ⓐ 3220-00 固定式旋轉打洞器 All Purpose Economy Rotary Punch 沖頭Tubes: 2mm/2.3mm/3.1mm/3.5mm/4mm/4.8mm ( 5 / 64 ", 3 / 32 ", ¹ / 8 ", 9 / 64 ", 5 / 32 ", 3 / 16 ") Ⓑ 3240-00 替換式旋轉打洞器 Deluxe Rotary Punch With Replaceable Tubes 沖頭Tubes: 2mm/2.3mm/3.1mm/3.5mm/4mm/4.8mm ( 5 / 64 ", 3 / 32 ", ¹ / 8 ", 9 / 64 ", 5 / 32 ", 3 / 16 ") 旋轉打洞器替換沖頭 Rotary Punch Replacement Tubes 專供3240-00和3230-00旋轉打洞器使用的替換沖 頭,共7種尺寸。 Replacement tubes for 3240-00 and 3230-00 rotary punches, available in 7 sizes. Ⓐ 3798-00 #00 1.5mm (¹ / 16 ") Ⓑ 3798-10 #0 2mm ( 5 / 64 ") Ⓒ 3798-11 #1 2.3mm ( 3 / 32 ") Ⓓ 3798-12 #2 3.1mm (¹ / 8 ") Ⓔ 3798-13 #3 3.5mm ( 9 / 64 ") Ⓕ 3798-14 #4 4mm ( 5 / 32 ") Ⓖ 3798-16 #6 4.8mm ( 3 / 16 ") 單孔打洞器 Spring Punch 單孔打洞器,內含1.5mm沖頭,適用3mm以下厚度 的皮革,沖頭可替換。 Pressed steel frame with replaceable ¹ / 16 " tube. Works on leather up to 6 oz. 3236-00 單孔打洞器 Spring Punch 3237-00 1.5mm替換沖頭單個裝 1 Piece ¹¹ / 16 " Replacement Tube 不鏽鋼旋轉打洞器 Stainless Steel Rotary Hand Sewing Punch 專為厚度薄、軟皮而設計的打洞器,適用0.2mm- 2mm厚度的皮革。5種可替換沖頭尺寸,不鏽鋼材 質,握感舒適。 Designed for punching lightweight leather in five different sizes. Recommended for ½ oz. to 5oz leather. Hole sizes will vary slight depending on type and weight of leather. 3229-00 不鏽鋼旋轉打洞器 Stainless Steel Rotary Hand Sewing Punch 3229-11 替換沖頭 單個裝 1 Piece Replacement Tube Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓑ