Leathercraft Catalog

材料包 LEATHERCRAFT KITS DIY手作材料包系列,品項廣泛,設計簡約,包含各式零錢包、鑰匙圈、短夾、鉛筆盒、手提包、斜肩包等等。採用高級植鞣革與標準刀模裁 切,可壓印、染色或雕刻。搭配頤坊高品質五金,點綴皮件更顯質感。牛皮紙袋包裝,透氣擋光,保護皮革不變色。不管是製作手工皮件的 新手,或是相當有心得的皮藝創作者,都適合挑戰。材料包內附所需皮片、五金及簡單易懂的說明書,搭配專業工具,按照步驟製作,即可 完成專屬於你的手工皮件。 We carry a comprehensive line of Do-It-Yourself leathercraft kits suitable for all experience level crafters. Items include wallets, keychain, handbag, pencil cases and more. These kits are made from quality vegetable-tanned leather, ideal for stamping, carving and dyeing. Craft paper packaging insures leather maintain their natural color. Each kit comes with appropriate hardware and easy to follow instruction.