Leathercraft Catalog
頤坊皮藝手作課程 LEATHERCRAFT WORKSHOPS 報名方式 REGISTRATION 頤坊定期公佈手作課程訊息,課程詳情請洽 官網「手作課程」。 如欲報名或預約課程,歡 迎來電、客服留言、LINE、e-mail 或親臨各門 市報名。 Please visit our website for the latest class information. To sign-up, simply give us a call, e-mail, LINE or visit any of our retail locations. 私人與團體活動 CUSTOMIZED EVENTS 無論是學校校外教學、社會團體活動或是親 朋好友想體驗皮革工藝,我們都可以為您的 需求規劃最適合的體驗內容。歡迎與我們聯 繫,讓頤坊幫您量身訂做一段美好時光。 Looking for a unique leathercraft experience for a larger group? We can customize private session that suits your needs and budget. 客服專線 / Customer Service: +886-2-8797-8277 LINE ID: @ykf2865s E-mail: sales@ivan.leathercraft.com.tw 客服時間 / Office Hours: 週一 - 週五 Mon-Fri 9:00- 18:00,例假日除外。 傳統皮藝 & 文化創意 CRAFT & CREATIVITY 技術傳承 WORKSHOPS 課程特色 CLASS HIGHLIGHTS 皮革工藝是一項不拘年齡、性別,任何人都能輕易的享 受其中製作樂趣的活動。慢慢添購必要的工具,就可以 在不勉強自己的狀況下從事皮革工藝。頤坊將傳統皮藝 與 DIY 文化結合,將印、雕、塑、鏤、染、縫等皮革工藝技 法的特色搭配在現代材料的運用上,創造出新的審美文 化,並教導、鼓勵大家自己動手去構築日常生活用品,動 手做進一步的創作加工,體驗從無到有的成就感,和享 受手作獨一無二的成果。 Leathercraft is a fun craft and activity that anyone can enjoy. We offer classes and demonstrations on the intricate leather-working process, covering techniques like hand stitching, dyeing, carving and stamping in a Do-It-Yourself setting. Participate in one of our classes, experience the incredible feeling of accomplishment and the captivating art of leathercraft yourself! 為保存台灣皮革工藝珍貴資產,頤坊於台北、台中、高雄 與香港門市創設皮藝教室,融合參觀、教學與推廣。皮藝 教室活動內容充實豐富、生動活潑,具寓教娛樂意義,也 期待您一起加入皮藝創作的行列。 We provide classes in all of our store locations: Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hong Kong. Whether you are new to the craft, looking for step-by-step instructions on the use of leather crafting tools, or want to challenge yourself to new projects, we have just the right classes for you. • 不拘年齡、性別,任何人都能輕易享受皮藝DIY的樂趣。 • 傳統手縫獨特的雙針縫合,斷裂時不易分開擴散,比 大量生產的機縫加工更耐用。 • 專人指導教學 • 使用獨家義大利水鳳凰 ® 水性環保皮革染料。 • 教室配備專業皮藝工作桌椅,環境舒適。 • Fun activity and craft for all ages. • Traditional saddle stitching, forms a strong, flat seam that will hold even if one of the threads breaks. • Professional leathercraft teachers. • Use the finest Eco-Flo® eco-friendly leather dyes. • Professional and comfortable work spaces.
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