Leathercraft Catalog
頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 20 黑色艾菲爾全裁山羊皮 Eiffel Goatskin Whole Hides, Black 歐洲進口山羊皮,皮面紋理細緻,纖維較綿羊皮更強 韌。適合製成中小型皮件、皮夾、公事包或搭配二層 皮襯底皮製成皮帶。 This European goatskin has delicate grain and tough fiber structure. Suitable for making wallets, briefcases or add split lining for belts. 95417 8-15小才/6-10sq. ft 本色袋鼠植鞣革 Australia Veg-Tanned Kangaroo Leather, Natural 袋鼠皮革毛孔細小,纖維強韌、輕盈耐用,常製成皮 鞋、皮件或裁成皮條編織皮繩、皮鞭等,可承受比牛 皮更強的拉力。 Kangaroo leather is the strongest leather readily available. It’s incredibly strong, durable and lightweight. Often use on shoes, making braiding laces or ropes. 96312 0.8-1.0mm/2-3oz 8-12小才/6-8sq. ft 金色北美鹿皮 North American Deer Skin Whole Hides, Goldnrod 輕巧柔軟,保暖性佳的金色鹿皮,特殊的不規則邊 鬚,適合製作具有印地安風格的童鞋、皮衣或具鄉村 色彩的包袋。 Lightweight and warm, this deerskin’s unique and irregular edges is particularly desirable for making American Indian style garments, shoes and bags. 99901 1.0-1.2mm/2.5-3.0mm 10-22小才/7-15sq. ft 金黃麋鹿皮 North American Elkskins 野生麋鹿皮觸感柔軟且耐用、耐磨損,獨特的紋路可 為背心、夾克和西部衣裝增添風格特色。適合製作傳 統風格的服裝,皮鞋或配飾。 These hides are soft to the touch, yet rugged enough to last through rough use. The distinctive grain adds character to vests, jackets and western wear. Ideal for making heritage style attire, moccasins and accessories. 99911 1.8mm/4.5oz 25-40小才/17-28sq. ft 野生植鞣鹿皮 Veg-Tanned Natural Deerskins 歐洲進口植鞣野生鹿皮,皮紋自然粗獷、皮質強韌、 輕巧。可製成高級皮衣、皮包、風格小物等。 European veg-tanned wild deerskin, rustic, tough and lightweight. Suitable for making leather garment, bags and small leather goods. 99917 野生植鞣雙面鹿皮 Veg-Tanned Double Sided Natural Deerskins 歐洲進口植鞣野生鹿皮,皮質緊實厚實,獨特的雙 色處理,不需另外搭配內裡。可製成皮帶、皮包、背 帶等等。 European veg-tanned wild deerskin, lighter in weight compare to cowhide. Unique natural markings and double-sided treatment, no lining is needed for making bags or belt straps. 99918
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