Leathercraft Catalog

皮 革 手 工 具 五 金 配 件 、 工 具 手 縫 、 編 織 印 花 工 具 材 料 包 、 套 組 帶 扣 、 飾 片 Leather Stitching & Lacing Handtools Stamping Tools Hardware & Setters Buckels & Conchos Leathercraft Kits 書 、 描 圖 版 染 料 、 皮 革 保 養 Dyes & Leathercare Books & Craftaid ® 157 官方網站 : WWW.LEATHERCRAFT.TW LINE ID : @YKF2865S TRADE : WWW.IVAN.TW 純銅邊油筆 Edge Dyeing Pen 邊油筆為皮革邊染色工序中的最佳輔助工具。純銅材 質的筆頭,耐用易清洗。滑順的滾輪設計,能輕易達到 專業精準的邊油染色效果。 A fast and easy way to apply edge paints. Simply dip the pen tip into edge paint and start rolling it onto edges of your projects. Use with Eco-Flo® Edgeflex® Edge Paints for best result. 3437-00 不銹鋼邊油棒 Stainless Steel Edge Paddle 不鏽鋼邊油塗抹專用棒,使用方便、操作容易,效果 佳。染料不易吸附在工具棒上,可節省消耗。使用後將 風乾的邊油剝離後再以清水或肥皂水洗淨即可。 Designed to use with Eco-Flo® EdgeFlex® Edge Paints for an easy and uniform edge finishing application. Stainless steel material makes it easy to peel off dry paint and clean with water. 3439-00 邊油斗 Table Top Edge Dye Roller 邊油上色的輔助工具,使用簡易方便,設計堅固耐用。 可依染料的濃稠度調整進料速度,若短時間內需頻繁 使用,可將蓋子緊閉避免染料乾掉。 This edge dye roller makes dyeing belt, strap edges and other projects quick and easy. This roller features a unique regulator to allow you to control the amount of dye brought up by the wheel. 3010-00 邊油工具 Edge Paint Applicators 2602 易革染 ® 壓克力染料 Eco-Flo ® Cova Colors ® 88078-00 雙面黑砂銼 Sanding Stick 壓克力染料為不透明性,加水稀釋後呈半透明狀, 染料稀釋後的濃淡,可依需求達到不同透明的效 果。 Opaque acrylic paints, can be used as a "tinted wash" by adding water to reduce color intensity. Colors can me mixed to achieve different hues. 一面粗一面細的雙面砂銼,用於磨緣、修邊或黏著 時,刮粗皮面增加附著力。特殊的梯形造型,方便 掌握與施力。 Double sided sanding stick features fne and coarse grits, suitable for leveling edges, trimming or roughing leather to increase adhesion. 2810 水鳳凰 ® 邊油 Eco-Flo ® Edgeflex ® Edge Paints 4523 本色植鞣革皮條 Natural Veg-Tanned Leather Belt Strips 水鳳凰邊油,是皮件製程中收邊工序的最佳塗邊染 料。吸附力強,有不易剝落、不易產生裂紋及防磨 擦等特性。成品因邊油收邊,可呈現出精緻、高級 的效果,是為未經過固色程序皮革的最佳選擇。 Complete any edges with rich colors and smooth finish. Rub-resistant and crack-resistant. Use Edge Dyeing Pen for best result. 製作皮帶、背帶不可缺少的皮條,可直接使用,省 時又方便。適合工作空間小、預算考量或初學玩 家。 The indispensable materials for making belts and straps. No need to store excess leather, can be used directly, save you time and space. They are the ideal choices for small work space, budget-minded or beginners. 2610 易革染 ® 亮光護色劑 Eco-Flo ® Super Shene ® 44121-20 羅素護照套 Russell Passport Case Kit 壓克力多用途亮光護色劑,可防染、固色或搭配易 革染 ® 壓克力染料做亮面邊油使用。使用後有光澤感 及防潑水效果。 Acrylic based high gloss top finish for veg-tanned tooling leather. Great for use over any Eco-Flo® dye or stain products. 功能與質感兼具的羅素護照套,讓您在外出洽公、 休閒旅遊的同時,依然可將隨身物品收納的恰到好 處。 Russell Passport Case Kit is your best travel accessories, keeping your belongings safe and organized on the road. 搭配商品 // You May Also Need