Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 156 膠水罐 Plastic Glue Pots 完全密封的容器,適用於黏著劑、染料等液體。造型方便清 洗。不適用侵蝕性的溶液。共四個尺寸,含1支圓刷。 This pot is designed to contain glue, adhesive or paint, tight seal keeps the liquids from drying out. Easy to use and clean. Not suitable for erosive liquids. Available in 4 sizes. Each pot includes a brush. 45562-01 小 Small 400ml (13.5 fl.oz) 45562-02 中 Medium 900ml (31.5 fl.oz) 45562-04 大 Large 1500ml (50 fl.oz) 45562-03 特大 Extra Large 3000ml (100 fl.oz) 16597-01 小替換圓刷 Small Brush 16597-02 大替換圓刷 Large Brush 鐵氟龍膠罐組 Teflon Cement Pot 鐵氟龍處理的膠罐,黏膠不沾黏,乾掉後可輕易撕下。特 殊刷柄設計,讓刷子在歸位的同時自動蓋上罐蓋。內含1 支刷子。 Teflon coated cement pot keeps glue from sticking on the surface, and can be peeled off easily when dry. Stem and brush unit seal without a screw-on cap. One brush included. 42515-000 鐵氟龍膠罐 Cement Pot 757ml (¹ / 5 Gallon) 42516-000 替換刷頭 Replacement Brush 起毛刷 Leather Rougher 適用於刮花皮革,製造刷毛效果;或將皮面弄粗糙,增加黏 著面積,使上膠時黏貼更牢固。 Excellent tool for removing old finishes on leather, to rough up leather surfaces and get the best bond when using adhesives. 56595-01 上膠軟墊 Silicone Glue Mat 矽膠軟墊,適用於黏著或染色時保護桌面使用,大面積的工 作台可用多片拼接。使用後直接將乾膠撕開或以溫肥皂水 洗淨。不適合作為切割墊或尖銳物品使用。 This is a great glue and finishing mat that protects work area. It’s heat resistant, resists most types of glue and is easy to clean up with soap and water. Two or more mats can be used to protect a larger surface. 3455-00 30.5 X 40.6cm (12" X 16") 上膠刷 Reusable Glue Spreaders 可重複使用的上膠刷,富有彈性的刮板可使黏膠均勻的分 佈在黏著處。光滑的表面方便將風乾後的黏膠剝離,使用方 便容易。握柄尾端的小孔可供吊掛。 These Reusable glue spreaders have flexible tips that spread glue evenly. Their smooth surface allow dry glue to peel off easily. The small hole at the end of each spreader can be used to hang the spreader on a small nail. 3431-03 3 Pieces 絨面皮革清潔刷 4-Way Suede Leather Rougher Brush 兼具除塵與清潔髒污的多功能絨面皮革刷,可快速刷除絨 面皮革或絨布上的灰塵,將絨毛刷順,使絨面皮革或絨布恢 復原來樣貌。請勿過度用力避免絨面受損。 This bruch cleans and removes dirt from suede boots, shoes, coats, jackets, furniture and sneakers. 26929-00 去膠片 Cement Remover 生膠材質,無毒無臭味,用來去除沾黏在皮革的汙漬、溢膠, 去汙力佳。 This acid free, non-toxic cement eraser removes most adhesive residue with very little effort. Works well for removing any exposed dry adhesive. 33421-00 上膠用具 清潔用具 Glue Applicators Cleaning Tools