Leathercraft Catalog

皮 革 手 工 具 五 金 配 件 、 工 具 手 縫 、 編 織 印 花 工 具 材 料 包 、 套 組 書 、 描 圖 版 染 料 、 皮 革 保 養 帶 扣 、 飾 片 Leather Stitching & Lacing Handtools Stamping Tools Hardware & Setters Buckels & Conchos Dyes & Leathercare Leathercraft Kits Books & Craftaid ® 11 官方網站 : WWW.LEATHERCRAFT.TW LINE ID : @YKF2865S TRADE : WWW.IVAN.TW 里昂半裁雕刻皮 Lyon Veg-Tanned Sides 法國進口雕刻皮,色澤均勻、皮面細緻幾乎零瑕 疵,皮革緊實彈性佳,適合雕刻、塑型、染色或製 作極簡風的皮革袋包。 Imported from France, this leather has smooth surface with minimal amount of blemishes, uniform color and takes dye well. Great for leather carving, molding or making simplistic leather goods. 91416 2.1-2.5mm/5-6oz 30-40小才/20-27sq. ft 托斯卡尼四方雕刻皮 Tuscany Veg-Tanned D/B 義大利嚴選的植鞣革,皮面滑順瑕疵少、毛孔細 緻緊實、油脂分布均勻,皮革利用率高。厚實的皮 革,適合製作重機皮件、皮帶或手縫皮件。 Carefully selected Italian veg-tanned leather, smooth surface with fewer blemishes. Heavyweight leather, suitable for making motorcycle accessories, belt or hand stitched articles. 91415 3.5-4.0mm/9-10oz 28-36小才/19-25sq. ft 翡冷翠雕刻皮 Florence Veg-Tanned Leather 皮面滑順、瑕疵少、毛孔細緻緊實、油脂分布均勻,皮革利用率高,是追求高品 質或極簡風手縫包的優選義大利皮革。 Fine Italian vegetable-tanned leather, has smooth rich and flawless texture. Minimal wastage for belt cutting. Your best choice for making high quality belts, hand tooling or simple hand stitching projects. 91453 3.6-4.0mm/9-10oz 22-36小才/15-25sq. ft 91409 2.0-2.2mm/5-6oz 28-37小才/19-25sq. ft 91456 1.8-2.0mm/4-5oz 12-20小才/8-14sq. ft 聖保羅雕刻皮 Saint Paulo Veg-Tanned Leather 色澤飽和,皮面品質優良、彈性佳、油脂均勻,蟲斑少。運用皮面偶然的烙印特 色,可製作出獨一無二的皮件。 Natural light caramel color, moderate to soft hand feel, fewer marks and insect bite. The occasional brand marks adds character and uniqueness to any project. 91402 3.0mm+ /8oz+ 4-7小才/2.5-5sq. ft 91412 2.0-2.4mm/5-6oz 28-48小才/19-33sq. ft 91418 2.0-2.4mm/5-6oz 18-30小才/12-21sq. ft 91406 1.6-2.0mm/4-5oz 28-48小才/19-33sq. ft 本色全裁水牛皮雕刻皮 Buffalo Veg-Tanned Whole Hides 水牛雕刻皮,耐磨、抗拉,皮面滑順,壓印、染色效 果佳。全裁的尺寸較小,平易近人的價格,適合初 學者或平日練習與測試使用,也適合製作各種包 袋或小物件。 These buffalo whole hides have good texture, suitable for carving, stamping and dyeing. Well priced and small sizes make them excellent choice for beginners, practice use or making small bags or leather goods. 91582 1.6-2.4mm / 4-6oz