Leathercraft Catalog
皮革自然的樣貌 BEAUTY OF NATURE 皮革的樣貌會因牛隻的身體部位及個體差異而有所不同。選擇將牛隻傷痕、紋路、血管及毛孔痕跡等特徵加以保留、呈現在皮革 製品上,讓皮革最天然原始的樣貌成為作品的一大特色。 Leather often scars and bears imperfections that the animal accumulated during its life. This is what makes every hide unique and tells the story of the animals' life. Natural markings are not flaws, but rather part of the beauty of nature and its beauty improves with age. 彈孔 Bullet Holes 動物一生中如曾受獵人的槍傷,往往會在 皮革上留下彈孔。 Cattles or animals wounded by gunshots tend to leave holes in the hide. 蚊蟲咬痕 Insect Bites 烙印 Branding Mark 天然放牧的牛隻或野生動物會因被寄生 蟲、蝨子或其他昆蟲咬傷,而導致在皮面 上留下斑痕。 Animals are often bitten by insects, parasites and lice, all of which result in markings on the hide. 放牧者會在牛隻身上烙下印記,以便辨識 牛隻的所有權。 Livestock branding is a technique for marking livestock so as to identify the owners. 傷痕 Scar 皺紋 Wrinkle 癒合的傷疤 Healed Scars 天然放牧與野生的動物在活動時,難免在 身體上留下傷痕。這樣的痕跡為皮件增添 狂野的風格。 Animal often accumulate scars during its life time, preserve such mark adds sense of wildness on the finished goods. 動物受傷痊癒後的結痂傷痕,會在皮革上 殘留下些許色素沉澱的痕跡,但不影響皮 革的強度與耐用度。 Healed scars leaves hint of pigmentation on the hide, however, the strength and durability is not affected. 牛隻天然的皺紋,一般出現在經常活動的 頸部與皮膚鬆弛的腹部。 These are natural stretch marks in the leather, they occur naturally around the neck and belly of cows.
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