Leathercraft Catalog

頤坊皮藝 台北 台中 高雄 香港 IVAN LEATHERCRAFT CO., LTD TAIPEI TAICHUNG KAOHSIUNG HONG KONG 64 圓孔打洞器組 Round Punch Sets 輕便型打洞器組,螺絲式的沖頭,讓更換尺寸更容易。含1支握柄與6個沖頭尺寸,需搭配膠板使用。 These space-saving punch sets are easy to change tube heads. They are the one tool that meets all your punching needs. Each set comes with a handle and 6 different size tubes. For use with cutting board. Ⓐ 3003-00 小圓孔打洞器組 Mini Punch Set 沖頭尺寸:2mm/2.3mm/3.1mm/3.5mm/4mm/4.8mm Tube Size: 5 / 64 ", 3 / 32 ", ¹ / 8 ", 9 / 64 ", 5 / 32 ", 3 / 16 " Ⓑ 3004-00 大圓孔打洞器組 Maxi Punch Set 沖頭尺寸:4.8mm/5.5mm/6.3mm/6.8mm/7.1mm/7.8mm Tube Size: 3 / 16 ", 7 / 32 ", ¼", 17 / 64 ", 9 / 32 ", 5 / 16 " 橢圓孔打洞器組 Oval Punch Set 簡易輕便的打洞器,螺絲式沖頭,可依需求更換 尺寸。內含1支握柄及6個沖頭,2.5mm/ 3.5mm/ 4.5mm/ 5.5mm/ 6.5mm /7mm,泡殼包裝,需搭配 膠板使用。 This six piece oval punch set is a "must-have" for anyone working with straps and belts of any size. Features 3 / 32 ", 9 / 64 ", 3 / 16 ", 7 / 32 ", ¼", 9 / 32 " tubes, for use with cutting board. 3004-20 花斬打洞器組 Shape Punch Sets 輕便型打洞器組,螺絲式的沖頭,讓更換圖案更容易。含1支握柄與6種圖案沖頭: 月亮、菱形、三角形、愛心、花朵和星星。需搭配膠板使用,共3種尺寸。 These space-saving punch sets make it easy to punch decorative holes. Each set comes with a handle and 6 pattern tubes: moon, diamond, triangle, heart, flower and star. For use with cutting board. Available in 3 sizes. Ⓐ 3003-04 小 Mini 4mm ( 5 / 32 ") 橢圓斬 Oval Hole Drive Punches 一系列不同大小的橢圓斬,適合不同大小皮件的打洞需求,需搭配膠板使用。 A complete selection of oval punches, suitable for different size projects. For use with cutting board. Ⓐ 3779-01 #1 2.5mm ( 3 / 32 ") Ⓑ 3779-03 #3 3.5mm ( 9 / 64 ") Ⓒ 3779-05 #5 4.5mm ( 3 / 16 ") Ⓓ 3779-07 #7 5.5mm ( 7 / 32 ") Ⓔ 3779-09 #9 6.5mm (¼") 帶孔斬 Button Hole Punches 一個動作就能打出完美的帶孔洞,是製作皮帶、手環、包袋不可缺少的輔助工具 之一,需搭配膠板使用。共6種尺寸,適用不同尺寸的裝飾釘。 If you use button studs on your project, you will need these handy punches to make perfect button holes every time. Available in 6 sizes. Ⓐ 3891-03 #3 適用11309裝飾釘 For 11309 Stud 4mm ( 5 / 32 ") Ⓑ 3891-04 #4 適用11310裝飾釘 For 11310 Stud 5mm ( 13 / 64 ") Ⓒ 3891-05 #5 適用11311裝飾釘 For 11311 Stud 6mm ( 15 / 64 ") Ⓓ 3891-06 #6 適用11312裝飾釘 For 11312 Stud 7mm ( 9 / 32 ") Ⓔ 3891-07 #7 適用11313裝飾釘 For 11313 Stud 8mm ( 5 / 16 ") Ⓕ 3891-08 #8 適用11314裝飾釘 For 11314 Stud 11mm ( 7 / 16 ") Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓒ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓑ 3004-04 中 Medium 5mm ( 13 / 64 ") Ⓒ 3004-10 大 Maxi 6mm ( 15 / 64 ")